Voice+Data wins Cover of the Year award

Wednesday, 07 December, 2011

<em>Voice+Data</em> wins Cover of the Year award

Voice+Data last month earned the award of Cover of the Year for B2B magazines, at the Publishers Australia Excellence Awards.

The magazine won the award for the ‘My Dog is a Cloud’ illustration, featured on the cover of the May 2011 issue.

In picking Voice+Data as the winner, the Publishers Australia judges said: “Clever idea and execution; visually effective to drive audience response; very quirky, humorous and nicely executed: it would appeal to the geeks who read it! Simple and clever ... and delivered results; stands out from the crowd.”

The cover was produced by Westwick-Farrow Media’s very own talented Art Director, Julie Wright (pictured below, accompanied by the dog that modelled for the cover).

Wright said she was both delighted and surprised that the illustration won the award. The cover in question was unconventional, she said, a deliberate choice intended to drive reader interest in the magazine.

“It certainly was (intentionally on my part) a very left-of-field approach to a serious topic, and a brave step for the publisher to take in putting it out there,” Wright said.

“I am glad my belief that our readers are intelligent and open to some more radical concepts and treatments to enliven their reading experience was vindicated, and even more gratified that the wider public and the judges also got the humour and whimsy of the work,” she said.

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