Hybrid cloud: finding the right home for your data


By Brad Wells, Director of Enterprise Sales, Interactive
Wednesday, 11 October, 2023

Hybrid cloud: finding the right home for your data

A notable outcome of the last few years of remote and hybrid working is a rise in the number of organisations considering a cloud migration project. The Forrester State of Cloud in Australia and New Zealand 2023 report found that over half (53%) of Australian organisations expect to continue their migration over the next 12 months.

While the cloud is a powerful and effective solution, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to implementation. There can be several hidden costs associated, including egress costs — the network fees charged by providers to move your data out of the cloud. In addition, there are efficiencies that need to be considered, as well as the cloud environment itself.

The right environment

The move to cloud-based services was obviously accelerated thanks to the pandemic, with many organisations transitioning at speed in order to keep the business running. The downside of this haste is that many providers treat public cloud offerings as an off-the-shelf package, failing to consider the specific needs of an organisation. Hybrid cloud has become an increasingly popular option, where organisations run applications and services across multiple public and private platforms.

Considerations for cloud migration

Determining the most suitable cloud platform means assessing multiple factors and treating cloud as an operating model, rather than a destination.

There are several specifics to consider when assessing an organisation’s cloud needs:

  1. Suitability: Applications need to be matched to the right cloud model based on performance, costs and applicable regulatory and sovereignty requirements. If an organisation’s applications are not cloud-native — and there is no plan to re-architect them — there may be more economical operating models available, including hybrid cloud.
  2. Expense: Why pay more than you need to? Private cloud offers cost assurances and helps avoid the egress costs and exchange rate fluctuations commonly associated with public cloud.
  3. Privacy: Australian-based private clouds operate under Australian privacy laws, offering a higher level of security and privacy — a priority for any organisation that handles sensitive personal data, including government agencies, medical organisations and those operating under APRA compliance.

No ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach

While the journey to the cloud can be fraught, a considered approach is best. Compatibility with existing IT infrastructure and applications is crucial to a smooth transition, as is scalability of cloud services, ensuring the chosen solution grows with your business.

Determining the best solution for any organisation requires an extensive consultation process with a suitable managed services provider and there is significant value to be found by shopping around.

As with any technology endeavour, the key is to look at things from a vendor-agnostic perspective, consulting with cloud experts who can help navigate the complexities and find the right cloud solution for your organisation.

Image credit: iStock.com/Just_Super

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