Call recording, the cloud and the law

By Andrew Lamrock*
Thursday, 19 September, 2013

Call recording, the cloud and the law

Call recording is gaining momentum around the globe. Given the existence of regulation, it’s important CIOs understand the complexity and nuances of call recording and customer security.

In July 2013, the Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) became mandatory in Australia, placing importance on understanding how call recording can help mitigate risk and prove ‘best interest’.

Traditionally, fixed line services could be recorded using technology that was often specifically custom built for the organisation. Only a few years ago it was impossible to streamline mobile and fixed line recordings. But the explosion of geographically disperse workforces created a demand for a more flexible solution, which allowed mobility.

Cloud-based call recording software is now a popular choice for mobile workers such as utility representatives, mobile bankers, insurance representatives and other field-based workers.

In Australia, it is legal to record conversations if an audio disclaimer is made to the customer that the organisation is intending or may intend to do so. This can also extend to written disclaimers on a company’s website or customer contracts for example. However, the customer maintains the right to refuse to have their call recorded and if this is requested the organisation must cease the recording immediately.

Recording calls can be a powerful tool to share information with multiple stakeholders in an organisation and gain deeper insights. Verbal records can be used to ensure team members are compliant with the organisation’s procedures and identify potential opportunities to improve those processes, thereby improving productivity.

Without a voice component it is difficult for a business to validate what it is being discussed.

You should consider call recording if you want to:

  • ensure company policies and procedures are being met;
  • obtain verbal signatures when confirming a sale, terms of agreement or deal;
  • obtain greater insights into your customers and how messages delivered by your staff are being received;
  • use it as a valuable reference tool for staff training, coaching, role playing and mentoring purposes;
  • screen interview candidates, reference check or conduct exit interviews;
  • record conversations during a workplace investigation in ensuring a fair and just outcome after bullying, misconduct or unsafe work is alleged.

When investigating a call recording solution you should consider the following:

  • How long is data stored for and how easily can it be retrieved?
  • Ease of use - how quickly can it be set up, how easy is it to use, how many can use it at one time?
  • How seamless is the service? Some methods of recording involve a delay of several seconds while the recording mechanism is set up, confusing customers.
  • What happens to your data if you change providers?
  • What third parties have access to your company’s data?
  • If the service is being upgraded or undergoing maintenance, is your ability to record affected?

Cloud-based solutions can reduce the costs of recording and retrieval. Businesses now have the option to trial services that can be more flexible and cost-effective than traditional models.

Recording phone conversations is not just about documentation, risk management, coaching and training - it can help companies benchmark return on investment and gain critical insights into customer behaviour.

*Andrew Lamrock is Director of Enterprise Intelligence, Call Journey.

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