App helps strike balance in students' daily routine

Monday, 19 September, 2022

App helps strike balance in students' daily routine

A new app created by the University of South Australia is helping parents plan the healthiest possible schedule for their kids.

Developed in partnership with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, the Health-Day-App provides information about the combination of activities that can best help the mental, physical and academic outcomes of children.

A study found that shifting 60 minutes of screen time to 60 minutes of physical activity resulted in 4.2% lower body fat, 2.5% improved wellbeing and 0.9% higher academic performance.

The lead researcher, UniSA’s Dr Dot Dumuid, said the app will help parents and health professionals better understand the relationships between children’s time use, health and academic outcomes.

“How children use their time can have a big impact on their health, wellbeing and productivity,” she said.

“We know that screens are not great for children’s wellbeing, so if they’re choosing to play video games at the expense of playing sport, it’s easy to guess the negative impacts ... on their health.

“This app helps guide healthier behaviours. By tracking a child’s current activities over the day, and using the app to adjust these, we can model how any changes are expected to impact on their physical wellbeing and academic performance.

“It’s a quick and easy tool that can predict health and wellbeing outcomes for children.”

Assessing 1685 data records from the Australian Child Health CheckPoint study (children aged from 11–12 years), the new app enables users to make hypothetical adjustments to time use behaviours.

It firstly requests users to input a child’s current 24-hour time usage across seven categories — sleep, screen time, physical activity, quiet time (such as reading or listening to music), passive transport (such as catching public transport), school-related time (including homework) and domestic/self-care (chores/getting ready).

It also includes an advanced option for health professionals to account for puberty and socio-economic status. On the subsequent panel (accessed by selecting ‘Specify reallocations’ on the left-side bar), app users can move sliders to try out time reallocations of their choice. Expected differences to body fat percentages, psychological health and academic performance are presented in numerical and graphical formats.

“The Healthy-Day-App lets parents, carers and health professionals consider possible changes to a child’s day and predict how this might impact health outcomes,” Dumuid said.

“I encourage parents to play around with it — it may just make you reconsider how much screen time your child has in the car, in a cafe, waiting for an appointment. Try it and see — it may surprise you.”

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