Australian students ready for a data-driven workplace


Friday, 28 May, 2021

Australian students ready for a data-driven workplace

Data analytics solution Qlik says its Academic Program has undergone significant growth in Australia, growing by 73% since 2019 — a number the company attributes to strong partnerships with local universities.

Ranking only behind India, the US and the UK, Australian students have signed up to the program because they are increasingly aware of the importance of digital literacy, regardless of their major or area of specialisation.

This comes at a time when just 21% of the global workforce are fully confident in their data literacy skills, according to research by Accenture and Qlik, with studies showing data-literate organisations have benefited from increased corporate performance, resulting in a higher total enterprise value of 3–5%.

Qlik’s program partners include leading universities such as Deakin University, Macquarie University, Swinburne University, the University of Tasmania and the University of Technology Sydney, among others. It provides students, educators and researchers with free Qlik software and resources to prepare students for the data-driven workplace.

The program also aims to provide students with real-life experience in using data analytics tools, which is achieved through incorporating data analytics into coursework and the delivery of workshops at partnering universities.

“By enabling students to work with technology that’s being increasingly deployed in all types of organisations internationally, they develop employability skills that are in strong demand while getting a real understanding of what they’ll need to succeed,” said Dominic Canestrari-Soh, Lecturer at Macquarie University.

“Having direct contact with industry experts through various Qlik workshops has been an invaluable experience for students. It takes their learning and engagement to a significantly higher level than would otherwise be achieved via more traditional classroom delivery approaches.”

The announcement of the Academic Program’s success in Australia comes after Qlik announced its first ever Professor Ambassador Class of 2021. The Ambassador Program aims to recognise and celebrate professors who have made significant progress in developing students’ data literacy skills and, in turn, prepared them for a successful career.

For more information on the Academic Program, visit the website here.

Image credit: ©

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