Can STEM students tackle climate change with green tech?

Tuesday, 23 March, 2021

Can STEM students tackle climate change with green tech?

The Planet Classroom Network (PCN) is currently showing a new documentary 'What to do about climate disruption'. The film's director, Eric Simon, is featured in the latest episode of the PCN podcast, encouraging everyone to play a role in addressing what he calls a climate emergency, using their areas of expertise and passion.

The podcast asserts that climate change is causing increasingly disastrous effects throughout the world and threatens to undermine the future existence of every living species. It suggests that there are available measures to curb the causes of the problem, but it will also take significant political will, investment and personal change to see any real results.

In the podcast, Simon and youth from around the world talk about how technology, ingenuity, individual commitment and action can have a meaningful impact. From carrying out simple daily actions to pursuing STEM-based careers to develop green technologies, the podcast aims to encourage an ethos of 'inventing our way out of climate change' and adopting behaviours to minimise damage.

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