How does EdTech maximise learning outcomes?

University of South Australia

Friday, 15 July, 2022

How does EdTech maximise learning outcomes?

The International Conference on Change and Complexity in Learning will explore the importance of educational technologies.

Hosted by UniSA’s Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L), the two-day conference* on 19–20 July will feature engaging panels and world-renowned keynote addresses on the most urgent challenges and opportunities facing the education system.

There’s no doubt that education lays the foundation for a child’s future success, but as teaching technologies continue to inundate classrooms — especially amid COVID-19 — educators at all levels are grappling to keep up with the latest demands and expectations.

At this event, educators will learn how educational technologies (EdTech) can maximise outcomes for both students and teachers, paving the way for improved understanding and application of EdTech in class.

Global EdTech expert and Director of C3L Professor George Siemens said the conference will deliver the vital insights and understandings of technology in learning environments.

“Education currently sits on the precipice of a new age of innovation, where technology is broadening access and growing opportunities for learning,” he said.

“But as these new technologies explode across the sector, knowing how to maximise their benefits in schools and universities is an ongoing challenge.

“Throughout the pandemic, educational technologies have been instrumental for schools and universities. But it’s vital that educators develop a deeper understanding of how they affect learning and how they can help navigate our increasingly complex environment.

“Whether it’s a highly conceptual notion, or the most practical application for the classroom, this conference presents leading thinkers and world-class practitioners who will explore and decipher the most pressing issues in the education sector today.”

UniSA’s Professor Shane Dawson said the C3L team is at the cutting edge of educational technology research.

“From real-time classroom analytics that can help educators make better informed decisions about their students’ performance, to innovative approaches that can curb maths anxiety, our team is focused on delivering real solutions for the education sector,” Dawson said.

“We know teachers have a very full plate. Amid curriculum requirements and expectations from a range of stakeholders, taking on technology as part of their regular classroom can seem overwhelming.

“We’re trying to make it easier for our teachers at all levels. Our research is one way that we’re achieving this, but a broader understanding of the sector’s challenges is also important.

“At this conference, we’re hoping to deliver a nexus of both so that anyone within the education sector has an opportunity to embrace technologies and thrive in this new EdTech world.”

* The conference runs over three days, with the first day being a Doctoral Consortium for C3L higher degree students only. The public conference is run over two days.

Image credit: ©

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