ICT educators online development

Tuesday, 26 May, 2020

ICT educators online development

The ICT Educators Virtual Development Series from ACS is designed to support teachers and educators drive high-quality computing education and to deliver better technology outcomes that promote collaboration and shared ideas. 

Upcoming events include virtual seminars on 'Teaching the Digital Technologies Curriculum' for both primary and secondary students, including activities and resources designed specifically to integrate with the curriculum. 'Creating a Technologies Scope and Sequence' is targeted towards specialist primary teachers who are in their first few years of teaching Digital Technologies/STEM as a specialist subject.

The one-hour webinars provide a wealth of information on moving forward with the curriculum while acknowledging the current challenges as students transition back to the classroom from a remote learning environment.

All professional development is aligned to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL). For further information including webinar dates and times or to register for attendance, visit the ACS website here.

Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/VK Studio

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