LMS procurement strategies: what you need to know

Wednesday, 12 May, 2021

LMS procurement strategies: what you need to know

Despite the relatively recent introduction of online learning — it’s only been around for a couple of decades — there is an abundance of learning management system (LMS) solutions to choose from. According to Pursuit Technology, the locally based developer of the Acorn LMS, the greater the choice, the greater the chance of selecting the wrong one.

To combat the issue, the team at Acorn has written an extensive guide on LMS procurement, including the necessary steps and questions to ask along the way to ensure buyers develop a shortlist of suitable solutions to choose from.

The guide outlines four steps that frame the path to procurement:

  1. Identifying company needs.
  2. Getting customer references.
  3. Creating a shortlist.
  4. Conducting due diligence.

It provides comprehensive information under each of these broad categories, along with an explanation on why each area should matter. For example, additional information under the needs identification category includes: budgetary considerations, onboarding goals, technical limitations, staff readiness, support level needs, effectiveness evaluation techniques and the specific content requirements of your organisation.

The article outlines the types of LMS that are available and the benefits of each, along with typical pricing structures. It provides information on emerging market trends and the impact on available solutions. It lists the critical questions you should ask LMS vendors to determine suitability for your specific application.

It provides potential LMS buyers with an extensive overview of everything they need to think about when making the big decision to buy and a downloadable checklist offers comparison at a glance.

“Think of an LMS as the house for all your e-learning belongings. You want that house to be secure, easy to move around, and you certainly don’t want it to end up costing you more money than you thought,” said Blake Proberts, Co-founder and Managing Director.

“That’s why it’s important to understand exactly what kind of ‘house’ will support your ‘belongings’. It’s why we created this guide to ensure buyers know everything they need to know, not only about the LMS but about their own goals too,” he said.

You can read the full article here.

Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/alexlmx

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