Make undergraduate education free: report

Tuesday, 26 April, 2022

Make undergraduate education free: report

A new report suggests that lifting the public spend on higher education could make university education free for all Australians.

The Australia Institute’s Centre For Future Work report shows that if the federal government brings its annual investment in higher education into line with the OECD average, Australia could fix the destruction inflicted by the COVID pandemic and make universities more accessible and affordable for all Australians.

According to the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), decades of funding cuts, government inaction and COVID-19 have led to more than 40,000 job losses in public tertiary education in the 12 months to May 2021. The majority of these (35,000) were from public universities.

“Higher education needs to be made a priority in this election. The future of hundreds of thousands of staff and millions of students depends on it,” said NTEU National President Dr Alison Barnes.

“The state of the sector now is deeply concerning. It is the consequence of the Morrison government’s decision to exclude universities from JobKeeper, hike student fees, cut funding per student place, entrench casualisation and decimate curiosity-driven research funding.

“Thousands of jobs have been lost at public universities and the staff who are left are being kept on casual or short-term contracts. Those staff can’t plan for their future and often have their pay stolen by money-hungry universities who have built their business models on wage theft and insecure work.

“The next Australian government could remove the financial barrier to higher education, employ more than 26,000 staff in secure full-time jobs, restore research funding, reduce the over-reliance on casual staff and establish a new higher education agency to improve governance.

“Free undergraduate education would be transformative for current and future students who are now facing more expensive degrees, mounting student debt and even the threat of being kicked off HECS if they don’t pass their courses.”

Australia Institute economist and the report’s author, Eliza Littleton, said, “As devastating as the pandemic has been for Australia’s universities, the sector was being distorted and damaged by corporatisation, casualisation and privatisation long before COVID arrived.

“Australia needs an ambitious national vision for higher education that realigns the sector with its public service mission, and with the needs of students, staff and wider society.

“Australia can choose a future for higher education that facilitates a stronger economy, social mobility and enhanced democracy — all the while generating a source of high-quality careers for many thousands of Australians.”

The report’s recommendations include:

  • Free undergraduate education for Australian students
  • Adequate public funding for universities
  • Fully funded research
  • Measures to ensure secure employment
  • Improved higher education governance
  • Caps on vice-chancellor salaries
  • Transparency in data collection.

Image credit; ©

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