NSW Dept of Education to digitise school enrolments

Tuesday, 06 October, 2020

NSW Dept of Education to digitise school enrolments

The NSW Government is providing parents of primary school students with the option of online enrolment, kicking off a digitisation program that will extend to other frequently used school forms. 

Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said a successful pilot will be followed by broad online enrolment for public primary schools by 2021.

"This is a game changer for families and schools across NSW. Online enrolment offers a modern, digital alternative to the current handwritten application form, saving both families and school administration teams hours of precious time.

"A single paper enrolment form can take 40 minutes to process, whereas schools using online enrolment can complete up to six enrolment applications in just 30 minutes.

"What was formerly a 16-page form will now be a streamlined experience, which has been designed using parent feedback collected during the pilot," she said.

Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello said the Digital Restart Fund had been instrumental in assisting the Department of Education to bring this essential process online and work was starting on other forms.

"We want to cut the number of physical forms down from 85 to a more manageable level. We will start with the forms used most frequently by families and schools, which include parent–teacher interview bookings, student absences and HSC subject selection.

"Currently, parents and carers spend more than six million hours a year filling these forms out, and school staff spend 11 million hours processing them.

"The current model is outdated, and this digital solution is a winner for families and staff.

"This is another example of the NSW Government putting families first and investing in technology to make life easier for them," he said.

Parents will be able to access the online system for local enrolment applications on their local school website. The paper enrolment option will remain for families who do not have access to digital facilities. 

Image credit: stock.adobe.com/au/FR Design

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