Schoolchildren connected with scientists at Dubai expo

Monday, 31 January, 2022

Schoolchildren connected with scientists at Dubai expo

The World Expo in Dubai will this year focus on the theme of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’.

Scientific publisher Frontiers will host a live review of a real scientific article by schoolchildren at the Swiss Pavilion.

Frontiers’ mission includes translating the most important results of scientific research to the public in a language that even kids can understand. It is only fitting that we host this event at the Swiss Pavilion inspired by Frontiers for Young Minds, our open access scientific journal where schoolchildren act as reviewers of articles written by distinguished scientists around the world,” said Frontiers’ chief executive editor, Frederick Fenter.

During the presentation, organised by Frontiers in partnership with The Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+), Dr Annalisa Bracco and Dr Elise Beaudin of Georgia Institute of Technology will highlight their Ocean Heat Waves research results, while a panel of five schoolchildren aged 14 and 15 will provide live feedback and engage in a Q&A session.

The Frontiers for Young Minds event will showcase how good science can engage with the public and enable real dialogue between experts and a wider audience of even the youngest citizens, which is vital for finding sustainable solutions for living healthy lives on a healthy planet.

VIP guests, including Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation Prof Martina Hirayama and Swiss Ambassador to the UAE HE Massimo Baggi, are expected to provide a high-level perspective on the importance of programs like Frontiers for Young Minds that inspire future generations of scientists.

“To tackle the greatest challenges and opportunities of our time — from climate to connectivity, space exploration to human health — the world needs future generations of scientists and engaged citizens to actively participate in creating evidence-based solutions to the issues of today and tomorrow. Frontiers for Young Minds is a fantastic initiative and the Dubai expo is a perfect stage for it,” said director of The Swiss School of Public Health Prof Nino Künzli.

Image credit; © Nivens

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