Shakespeare Meme Comp returns

Wednesday, 28 April, 2021

Shakespeare Meme Comp returns

The Shakespeare Meme Competition has returned for 2021, with kids across Australia invited to submit entries that use a line from one of Shakespeare’s works in a meme created by them.

Organised by ABC Education, the competition is open to students who can submit entries either individually or in groups. Submissions must include the meme and a short (50 words max) explanation of why each particular Shakespeare line was chosen and why it is (or isn’t) relevant today.

There are rules around copyright, sharing and online behaviour, as well as who can and can’t enter on their own — a teacher, parent or guardian must submit for anyone 16 or under. Check out the ABC Education website for the full details and the competition Terms and Conditions. The website also offers a tonne of resources on Shakespeare for inspiration.

The competition closes @ 5:00 pm AEST Friday, 21 May 2021.

Image credit: Panevkina

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