Tassie schools to shine as solar scheme gets green light

Monday, 26 April, 2021

Tassie schools to shine as solar scheme gets green light

Tasmanian parents are welcoming election commitments from both major parties to implement a $5m renewable energy program in the state’s schools, with the Liberals matching Labor.

Parents who helped push for the promise are now celebrating. 

“This is a win for our children, because renewable energy in schools will create local jobs, save money on school electricity bills and reduce carbon emissions," said Hobart mother Madeline Hanson, Local Group Leader for the Tasmanian chapter of Australian Parents for Climate Action.

Two weeks ago Tasmanian Labor announced its election promise for a $5m Solar Schools Fund, which will enable state schools to install solar panels and reduce their power costs.

The Tasmanian Liberals have matched that, promising to provide $5m to deliver a Renewable Energy Schools program that will see solar panels rolled out in all government schools, with all energy savings to be reinvested back into the Renewable Energy Schools Fund.

“What’s exciting about this announcement is it shows clear bipartisan Tasmanian support for sensible renewable energy initiatives. I wish our Prime Minister Scott Morrison would listen to and learn from his state colleagues, and embrace renewable energy and a sensible net zero emissions target,” Hanson said.

She is part of a network of 14,000 concerned parents Australia-wide who are advocating for the government and big business to take urgent climate action, under the umbrella of Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA). They made pre-Budget submissions to all the major Tasmanian parties asking them to Solar Our Schools: to put solar and batteries in all schools and early childhood centres across Tasmania. 

Since AP4CA launched the Solar Our Schools campaign nationally in July last year, the NSW Government has announced a $20m pilot program of solar and batteries in 50 schools acting as virtual power plants; and in March WA Premier Mark McGowan made a pre-election promise of $46m for clean energy in WA schools.

“The Tasmanian election announcement follows suit with the states who are leading the way on renewable energy,” said Suzie Brown, National Director of AP4CA.

“Australian Parents for Climate Action commends the Tasmanian Liberals and Tasmanian Labor for their policy, and now asks PM Scott Morrison to match it,” she said.

Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/lassedesignen

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