Universal pre-kindergarten to be introduced

Tuesday, 21 June, 2022

Universal pre-kindergarten to be introduced

The NSW Government plans to roll out a universal pre-kindergarten year of education across the state by 2030.

The 2022–23 NSW Budget will set aside more than $5.8 billion over 10 years to introduce the plan.

“This is incredible reform that will change lives and deliver enormous educational benefits for children across the state, securing a brighter future for NSW families,” said Premier Dominic Perrottet.

“We’re ensuring our youngest learners thrive by introducing a full year of preschool education before kindergarten, as we know how important it is to have a strong educational foundation.”

NSW Treasurer Matt Kean said that children who receive quality early childhood education are more likely to get better results at school and earn more across their lifetime.

“This Budget is all about investing in a better future, and setting our kids up for success is priceless,” he said.

“This reform will deliver intergenerational results for our kids and our economy.”

The NSW Government will consult with families, peak bodies and service providers to create the best model for the new, universal pre-kindergarten year for all children in NSW.

Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said the evidence is clear that providing the best education starts in the early years.

“Universal pre-kindergarten will give every child in NSW access to a specialised year of play-based learning, smoothing their transition to school and solidifying their path to a brighter future,” she said.

“Universal pre-kindergarten is something I have been working hard to bring to NSW for a number of years, having seen the benefits of it for children and families in countries like Canada.”

This transformational new year of preschool education will not just build on the other commitments of the Budget but should also change and improve, with the help of parents, educators, services and stakeholders, how children enter and prepare for school.

Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/DragonImages

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