Geek Weekly: Technology Decisions' quirky tech stories for 20 October

Tuesday, 20 October, 2015

Geek Weekly: Technology Decisions' quirky tech stories for 20 October

Technology Decisions’ weekly wrap of IT fails, latest tech, new must-have gadgets, ‘computer says no’ moments and more.

Why do IT projects fail? The IEEE Spectrum has published a number of fascinating articles covering the last 10 years of spectacular IT failures, cost-overruns and similar catastrophes. From the impact of project failures, to the dangers of trying to overcomplicate things, the list seems endless.

How depressing. Do apps designed to help treat depression really work? No, says a new report published in the journal Evidence Based Mental Health. That’s despite reputable bodies such as the UK’s National Health Service endorsing some of them. Even worse, another recent research paper suggests that two-thirds of the IT systems that doctors use to help them make clinical decisions are useless.

Cars of the future… 1976 style! How come we didn’t get cars and traffic control systems like this? Instead, in Sydney, we have George Street being ripped up and toll roads left, right and centre. Maybe by the year 2076 we’ll finally have gas turbine-powered Firebirds.

Robotic warehouses. Finally, check out this promo video for AutoStore, an amazing robot warehousing system. Brilliant Norwegian technology. Why can’t we invent things like this in Australia?

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