NSW Govt provides support to Momentum Cloud

Tuesday, 20 February, 2018

NSW Govt provides support to Momentum Cloud

Momentum Cloud has received NSW Government support to create 95 jobs and expand both nationally and internationally across the next five years.

The Surry Hills-based company has received an Accelerating Growth Loan from Jobs for NSW to build its marketing and sales capacity and capitalise on a global opportunity.

Momentum Cloud already has a significant presence in NSW with its Goalhub online learning management platform now in 500 schools, two universities and a number of government agencies, including the Department of Family and Community Services and Department of Education.

The company also has high growth potential both here in Australia and internationally in the United States and United Kingdom.

Accelerating Growth Loans are direct loans from Jobs for NSW for emerging fast-growth SMEs that are scaling quickly and creating jobs in NSW.

Momentum Cloud co-founder Aaron Hughes said he started the company to provide markets with innovative, research-backed tools to support learning and performance management on a cloud platform.

“We wanted to provide a new level of thinking and a more modern suite of tools for schools and we have been evolving our platform to arrive at the goal-based coaching and mentoring platform,” Hughes said.

“Goalhub now supports all organisations to align their organisational purpose and goals with an individual’s goals while empowering the individual to achieve their best.”

Hughes said Jobs for NSW had been extremely helpful in supporting the company and he was confident about its growth prospects.

“Jobs for NSW’s support has given us a solid launch platform to enable us to grow our business nationally and internationally,” he said.

“In the next six months we will look to expand the use of Goalhub by small to medium enterprises, schools and government organisations across Australia and in the US and the UK.”

For more information on Jobs for NSW support for start-ups and fast-growing business, visit https://www.jobsfornsw.com.au/.

Image caption: Momentum Cloud Founders Aaron Hughes, Pem Dechen and Oliver Snowdon.

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