Helen Coonan tipped for NBN Co board

Tuesday, 01 October, 2013

Helen Coonan tipped for NBN Co board

Helen Coonan, Australia’s Communications Minister from 2004 to 2007 in the Howard government, has been approached about taking a place on NBN Co’s board of directors.

An AFR report states that Coonan and NBN Co’s ex-head of construction, Patrick Flannigan, have been approached about taking non-executive director roles at NBN Co.

Current Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently asked for the entire NBN Co board to hand in their resignations. All but one reportedly complied.

Labor MP Ed Husic was critical of the prospect of Coonan as an NBN Co board member, saying, “The Coalition botched broadband last time and Helen Coonan was part of that process so I don’t see how that helps advance the rollout of faster broadband.”

Husic was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Broadband following the June Labor leadership spill, a position he held until 18 September.

Contrary to Husic’s remarks, Robertson Executive Search partner Paul Rush had positive comments about the idea of Coonan as an NBN Co board member.

Curiously, Coonan recently had some pretty positive things to say about Ziggy Switkowski - the ex-Telstra CEO rumoured to be in line for the job of executive chairman at NBN Co, and who would therefore be her boss if the rumours about their appointments were true.

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