1 in 3 Aussie orgs breached over last year

By Dylan Bushell-Embling
Tuesday, 28 June, 2016

1 in 3 Aussie orgs breached over last year

One in three Australian organisations have suffered a data breach in the past 12 months, a new security industry survey indicates.

The survey, conducted ahead of next month’s 2016 Security Exhibition & Conference, also shows that despite the pressing threat only 78% of respondents have a security incident plan in place.

Australian security professionals report that the biggest security challenge their organisations face is a lack of interest from CEOs and directors. Time and resource pressure is considered to be another significant hurdle.

Staff and training was rated as the most important security concern for companies during the next 12 months, with 70% indicating that this is important or extremely important.

Surveillance (63%), civil conflict and public safety (62%) and data breaches or cybersecurity threats (60%) are also considered to be pressing concerns.

On the bright side, the survey suggests that businesses are being more proactive in their security efforts, with 74% of respondents indicating that their organisation monitors social media for potential threats.

The security technology categories deemed to have the greatest growth potential include CCT and surveillance (67%), integration and networking (46%), mobile access and remote management (42%), as well as IP security (38%).

“The security industry survey is a plug into the challenges and opportunities facing all security professionals in Australia today; from installers and integrators to end users and consultants,” Security 2016 event manager Alanna Phillips said.

“These are the big issues for security leaders and the future direction of the security industry.”

Image courtesy of Yuri Samoilov under CC

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