Android apps for making ransomware found

By Dylan Bushell-Embling
Monday, 28 August, 2017

Android apps for making ransomware found

Cybercriminals are creating ransomware without having to write a single line of code, due to the emergence of Trojan development kit apps, according to Symantec.

The apps allow criminals to easily generate Android ransomware by simply filling out customisation options including the message to be displayed and the key to be used to unlock the infected device, Symantec Principal Threat Analysis Engineer Dinesh Venkatesan said in a blog post.

One such app is available for free on underground forums and through social messaging advertisements.

Once the options are filled out, users are prompted to subscribe and provide a one-time payment to the author for unlimited use.

While the samples analysed so far are all aimed at Chinese-speaking users, modifying the language will be simple and it is likely different language versions are or soon will be available, Venkatesan said.

“The emergence of easy-to-use malware development kits such as these lowers the bar for aspiring cybercriminals wanting to enter the ransomware game. Individuals with little technical knowledge can now create their very own customised Android ransomware,” he said.

“However, these apps are not just useful for aspiring and inexperienced cybercriminals as even hardened malware authors could find these easy-to-use kits an efficient alternative to putting the work in themselves. We expect to see an increase in mobile ransomware variants as these development kits become more widespread.”

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