APAC DDoS protection market booming

By Dylan Bushell-Embling
Wednesday, 21 August, 2013

APAC DDoS protection market booming

Heightened awareness of the threats posed by DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks is spurring strong growth in the Asia-Pacific DDoS protection market.

Research firm Frost & Sullivan estimates that the market was worth more than US$117.2 million ($129.6 million) in 2012. Revenues are expected to climb to US$327 million by 2016.

High-profile attacks on governments and organisations in the region are prompting many companies to increase spending on security systems designed to ward off DDoS threats. Demand is particularly high across the banking, financial services and insurance vertical market.

Rapidly expanding APAC companies are meanwhile being compelled to introduce systems to protect themselves from vulnerabilities.

“Businesses’ growing dependence on the internet and web-based applications has compelled them to enhance their security set-up and adopt DDoS protection solutions,” Frost & Sullivan ICT Research Analyst Vu Anh Tien said.

But due to a lingering lack of awareness, some organisations are still putting off implementing DDoS protection systems until they are under attack. The fact that the benefit of foiling an attack cannot be quantified in monetary terms also serves to delay some installations.

Another factor still hindering uptake - particularly in markets including Australia, New Zealand, India and Japan - is the perception that DDoS protection is an inferior feature, not a full-fledged technology.

But Anh Tien expects proactive attack detection and mitigation technologies to become more popular as cloud and mobile adoption grows even further.

Image courtesy of David Geohring under CC

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