AustCyber launches national cybersecurity platform

Friday, 05 March, 2021

AustCyber launches national cybersecurity platform

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen Australia experience an acceleration in digitisation, with a commensurate increase in cyber attacks by cybercriminals and state actors. AustCyber, in partnership with Insurance Australia Group (IAG) and various state governments, has developed AUCyberscape, a consolidated online destination for understanding Australia’s cybersecurity capabilities.

AUCyberscape provides interactive visibility of Australian cybersecurity products and services available on the economy, highlighting trends, issues and opportunities in the industry. It also collects data that demonstrates the breadth of capability and growth of the sector. The platform, which is free to users and providers, allows Australian cybersecurity companies to showcase their products, services, business solutions and sector experience, connect with customers and access information to support company development and growth.

AUCyberscape has been launched with 84 curated businesses on the platform, with more to come in future, to cover the entire landscape of Australian cybersecurity providers. The platform enables businesses, government, investors and individuals to understand more about cybersecurity and their cybersecurity needs; search for and connect with Australian cybersecurity companies; and learn about cybersecurity career pathways and education opportunities.

Michelle Price, CEO of AustCyber, noted that cybersecurity has become necessary to navigate the digital world safely, and acknowledged that understanding and choosing the right cybersecurity products and services can be challenging.

“AUCyberscape will assist users to understand their cybersecurity needs and, over time, connect with over 350 providers that deliver cybersecurity solutions,” Price said.

Price forecast that over the next decade, the Australian cybersecurity sector will become larger, more diverse and sophisticated. “In 2020 alone, Australians spent approximately AU$5.6 billion on cybersecurity from both local and international providers, a figure that is expected to increase to at least AU$7.6 billion by 2024,” Price said.

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