Network the key security battleground in 2014

By Dylan Bushell-Embling
Wednesday, 11 December, 2013

Network the key security battleground in 2014

The network will be the key battleground for protecting mobile devices against the new breed of mobile threats posed by cybercriminals and nosy nation states.

This is according to network security vendor Palo Alto Networks, which believes that securing mobile devices will be inextricably linked to securing the network in 2014.

Megatrends such as BYOD and the rise of the mobile workforce are unstoppable and organisations still taking a ‘lock it down’ approach to mobile security will find that this tactic will not play in the face of the ballooning popularity of smartphones and tablets, the firm said.

But this will prompt cyber criminals to devote increasing attention to the mobile platform, leading to a new breed of sophisticated malware attacks.

Palo Alto argued that the mobile OS ecosystem is too big and too fragmented to secure, with many mobile security products based on add-ons for different devices running different operating systems, so securing at the network layer will become increasingly important.

In this context, Palo Alto expects threat intelligence to take on increasing prominence. There will also be a heightened need for better sharing of intelligence on potential cyber threats.

The company is also predicting continued growth in use of cyberlockers and other forms of cloud-based file sharing by workers, exposing businesses to increased risk.

But the enterprise cloud will also get a security makeover in 2014, Palo Alto said. Next-generation network security and network virtualisation will collide to form a new cloud security paradigm.

Image courtesy of Kai Hendry under CC.

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