Security summit for Sydney in September

By Dylan Bushell-Embling
Monday, 15 August, 2016

Security summit for Sydney in September

Australian and overseas cybersecurity experts will convene at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney next month to discuss how Australian organisations can shape their cybersecurity strategies to address evolving threats.

The first Australian Palo Alto Networks Cyber Security Summit will be held on 22 September. It will address topics including minimising the potential impact of a cybercrime event in the face of the increasing sophistication of attacks.

The event will include a series of keynotes, business, industry and technical presentations and panel sessions.

Other topics will include bring-your-own device, application and cloud storage trends in the workplace, data centre network security and the risks involved with human capital, as well as the potential impact of increased government regulations around protecting privacy.

Speakers will include the Prime Minister's cybersecurity advisor Alastair MacGibbon, Palo Alto Networks CEO Mark McLaughlin and Telstra CISO Mike Burgess.

Representatives from Commonwealth Bank, the CSIRO's Data61, the Australian Information Security Association, Business Council of Australia, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and the Australian Cyber Security Research Institute will also speak as part of the free, one-day program.

At the event, Palo Alto plans to launch its new Cyber Security Guide for the Australian Industry, which will provide advice and best practices from CEOs, CISOs, lawyers, consultants and government officials.

Image courtesy of Dimitris Kalogeropoylos under CC

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