Fortinet FortiWeb-1000C and FortiWeb-3000C web application firewalls

Thursday, 02 September, 2010

Two appliances have been added to the FortiWeb family of web application firewalls - the FortiWeb-1000C, designed for mid-to-large enterprises, and FortiWeb-3000C, for high-end enterprises, application service and cloud-based service providers.

The appliances are integrated web application and XML firewalls that protect against attacks targeted at web applications and web services infrastructure. Because they provide detailed visibility into an organisation’s threat landscape, the application firewalls eliminate the need to manage separate web and threat management tools and consoles.

Each appliance is equipped with the FortiWeb 4.0 MR1 firmware that is designed to provide maximum protection for web applications containing sensitive data subject to payment card industry (PCI) guidelines. The firewalls also blunt attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting, and help prevent security breaches from exposing highly sensitive data loss, such as credit card numbers and personally identifiable information.

The products are suitable for financial services and healthcare customers, as well as for retail and payment customers, for whom the products minimise the complexity of complying with PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) section 6.5 and 6.6, along with the problems of identity theft and financial fraud. They also provide patient data protection as part of HIPAA compliance for healthcare organisations.

To preserve optimal web application performance, the firewalls leverage an intelligent application-aware load-balancing engine to distribute traffic and route content across multiple web servers.

FortiWeb 4.0 MR1 provides enhancements including: policy wizard and predefined policies; advanced alert tool; enhanced protocol constraints; extended signatures and DLP.

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