HCP Anywhere: easy, secure, on-premises files sharing
Supplied by Hitachi Data Systems on Monday, 03 June, 2013
Public OFS solutions are extremely popular, and for good reasons: they are inexpensive, simple to use and provide a valuable service. However, they can also significantly increase risks to corporate data. ESG research indicates that OFS can expose organisations to security risks such as data leakage, web-based threats and application-layer vulnerabilities, as well as ongoing questions about data ownership and regulatory compliance.
This places IT in a difficult position. Senior management requires IT to do everything possible to improve employee productivity, and OFS can make a big difference. However, IT is also charged with maintaining data control, providing security, and ensuring compliance - these efforts are often at cross-purposes with sharing files online.
This paper looks at a secure, efficient and easy solution for IT and users to operate. Download now.
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