Automate Hyper-V with VBScript or Powershell
26 June, 2009 by Rick VanoverHyper-V can be managed via its included scripting capabilities. This tip explains how to automate and configure your virtual environments using Powershell or VBScript.
How to back up VMs with the VMware vStorage API for Data Protection
24 June, 2009 by Lauren WhitehouseVMware's vStorage API for Data Protection can help you back up your precious virtual machines. This guide explains how.
Small blades fail virtualisation project
18 June, 2009 by Angus KidmanWhile undertaking a consolidation project, financial services company Veda Advantage found that blade servers could not provide the security levels that policy demanded.
Data protection on VMware virtual machines
15 May, 2009 by Jeff BolesLearn about the difficulties inherent in protecting data stored on virtual machines, in this article from analyst Jeff Boles.
HP and Hitachi release virtualisation tools
14 May, 2009 by Simon Sharwood and Ashley DeanNew tools from Hitachi and HP look to ease the management and use of virtualisation technologies.
Top ten tools for managing virtual environments
25 March, 2009 by Rick VanoverWe walk you through the ten most promising tools for managing virtual environments.
Disaster recovery in virtual environments will be costly
10 March, 2009 by Bridget BotelhoIf you want continuous availability in virtual environments, you'll likely have to buy almost all of your chosen vendor's product range.
Upcoming virtualisation changes to PCI DSS
06 March, 2009 by Michael CobbWriter Michael Cobb explains how the Payment Card Industry's upcoming changes to its DSS will affect virtualisation.
NZ university automates virtual machine backup
13 February, 2009 by Simon SharwoodAuckland University has automated the backup of its virtual environments, resulting in a DR window of 2 hours.
Business continuity strategy with Hyper-V
04 February, 2009 by Greg ShieldsThis article explains how to create a business continuity plan for Microsoft's Hyper-V.