Data centres > DC services

Vocus buying Perth data centre for $12m

13 August, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Vocus Communications has arranged to buy ASG Group's Bentley Data Centre for $11.9m and become the IT vendor's preferred communications service provider.

Pacnet picked as government data centre supplier

04 August, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Pacnet has been picked to join the Australian Government Data Centre Facilities Supplies Panel, allowing it to provide data centre services to public sector organisations.

Driving the next generation of data centres

28 July, 2014 by David Reoch, Senior Director of Cloud Services, Gigamon

CIOs need several capabilities to overcome the challenges presented by the surge in virtualisation, cloud computing, mobility and video.

The hard questions to ask your data centre

23 July, 2014 by Kris Kumar*

Providing state-of-the-art facilities is one thing, but data centre providers should do more to raise the bar of customer service.

Big data will drive data centre spending increase

09 July, 2014

Big data will drive data centre growth in Australia, with more than 75% of Australian organisations expecting to increase spending on data centre facilities within the year.

Internet of Things to transform the data centre

19 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The rapid proliferation of 'Internet of Things' devices and the large volumes of data they generate will transform data centres from centralised systems to distributed environments, Gartner predicts.

The data centre as castle: digital communities behind the firewall

12 March, 2014 by Dr Glen Duncan*

The existence of and potential for participation in a data centre community will be a potential opportunity for CIOs and IT managers to add competitive value for their organisations.

Digital Realty opens second Melbourne DC

25 November, 2013 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Data centre provider Digital Realty has formally launched Digital Deer Park, its second facility in Victoria and its sixth in Australia.

Mission Australia goes mobile with private cloud

07 November, 2013

Not-for-profit organisation Mission Australia has implemented a private cloud on a new data centre platform to support IT initiatives including mobility.

Data centre projects: system planning

08 October, 2013

Data centre implementation or upgrade projects can be simplified by viewing the system planning as a standardised process consisting of specific tasks resolved in the right order by the right people. Treating the planning process as a science not an art can ensure requirements are translated into a detailed design.  

Data centre projects: advantages of using a reference design

08 October, 2013

Adopting a reference design for both new data centres and upgrades to existing data centres can have a positive impact on operations. Reference designs simplify and shorten the planning and implementation process and reduce downtime risks once up and running. 

Digital Realty gets Tier III cert for Melbourne DC

04 October, 2013 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Digital Realty's Deer Park data centre - its second in Melbourne - has been awarded full Tier III certification by the Uptime Institute.

The definitive eGuide for Enterprise

24 September, 2013

This eGuide comprises four informative white papers to assist in successfully transitioning your data centre. 

Benefits of data centre infrastructure management software

18 September, 2013

Effective use of today’s data centre IT infrastructure management software can help make your data centre more reliable and efficient while increasing its overall business value. 

Local data centre providers seek partnerships

20 August, 2013 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Growing competition in the A/NZ data centre market is putting pressure on providers to consolidate and move further up the services stack, according to IDC.

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