IT Management > IT governance

1 in 3 Aust businesses are not yet digital enterprises

23 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A survey of Australian businesses shows that 1 in 3 do not consider themselves to be digital enterprises, and only a third have a dedicated chief digital officer.

Disrupting access to illegal online services

18 July, 2014

A new federal government inquiry will examine how the Telecommunications Act 1997 can be used by government agencies to disrupt access to illegal online services.

IT consolidation - how it could transform your business

14 July, 2014

In any business, growth is good. Bad growth, in contrast, can hobble agility, responsiveness and competitive success...

IT budget cuts put Australia behind competitors

14 May, 2014

In its annual global survey of CIOs, Gartner Executive Programs found Australian IT leaders face significant challenges compared to their global counterparts.

Who's the boss of BPM?

30 April, 2014 by Stephen Withers

Who should take responsibility for a business process management (BPM) initiative - management or IT? An ostensibly simple question with a complex answer.

Startup Victoria aims to support high-tech sector

30 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Startup Victoria, a non-profit organisation designed to support the state's high-technology startups, has launched with $100,000 in state government seed funding.

Improving healthcare data can save $100m a year

19 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Adopting GS1 supply chain standards and the National Product Catalogue (NPC) could help the Australian healthcare industry cut down on $30m-$100m of wasteful spending a year, a report asserts.

Innovation accelerators embracing IT transformation

17 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A third of companies have made IT-enabled business transformation a top priority and are more likely to invest in the development of new applications, products and CEM strategies, a survey shows.

Vic govt seeks feedback for ICT Strategy revamp

23 January, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Victoria's technology ministry has called for consultation on the next stage of its ICT Strategy project, seeking feedback on ways to benefit from trends including mobility and cloud computing.

CIOs may not be enough for govt organisations

31 October, 2013 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The increasing importance of digital assets to government processes will prompt a number of state organisations to create new dedicated C-level roles, Gartner predicts.

Regulation should not drive risk, security planning

09 August, 2013

Regulatory compliance should not be the main driver of risk and security planning, Gartner says. Compliance should instead be a by-product of effective risk management.

Building powerful C-level relationships

03 July, 2013 by Marcus Darbyshire*

CIOs have a unique perspective across the entire organisation and an opportunity, if not a mandate, to play a leading role in supporting executive team decision-making. To be effective, however, CIOs must understand that each executive views business slightly differently based on his or her current role and past experiences.

Five-step IT strategic planning guide

23 May, 2013 by Anthony Caruana

Every CIO will, at some point, have to create or update a strategic plan for how technology will meet the needs of the business. This can be a daunting task.

Will the federal Budget matter?

16 May, 2013 by Anthony Caruana

With the expectation, if the polls are to be believed, that we’ll have a new government installed in September, does the federal Budget mean anything to the IT industry?

ACCC news: Excite Mobile guilty of “unconscionable” acts; ByteCard first to feel wrath of unfair contract laws

29 April, 2013 by Andrew Collins

Last week the Federal Court found SA-based mobile operator Excite Mobile guilty of “unconscionable conduct”, while the ACCC put new unfair contract laws to the test, launching legal action against ISP ByteCard for its allegedly unfair contracts.

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