Security > Cybercrime

Only 1 in 7 security chiefs report to the CEO

02 March, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

While the wide majority of company boards are concerned about cybersecurity, just 14% of security chiefs report directly to the CEO and 7% to the company board, research shows.

Linux distros infected with backdoors; McAfee offers to hack iPhone; Telco complaints at 9-year low

25 February, 2016 by Andrew Collins

Linux Mint website hacked and downloadable distros infected, John McAfee has offered to crack the San Bernardino iPhone, and telco complaints at lowest level since July 2006.

Cybercrime got more sophisticated in 2015

23 February, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Cybercrime exploit kits became more adept at avoiding detection by security systems in 2015, while perpetrators increasingly took to using encryption for the same purposes, research shows.

Site blocking ineffective at stopping piracy: IA

18 February, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

After Village Roadshow filed legal action seeking to have an alleged piracy site blocked under new site blocking rules, IA has argued that this and other government approaches to stopping piracy are ineffective.

Netflix accounts sell for $0.35; Data speed record set; Aussies lose $23m in dating scams

18 February, 2016 by Andrew Collins

Stolen Netflix credentials are selling for just 35 cents, 1.125 Tbps optical data rate achieved, and ACCC issues warning over romance scams.

Only half of companies confident in security capabilities

21 January, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Only 54% of respondents to Cisco's annual security survey are confident in their ability to defend against cyber attacks, and only 45% are confident they can scope and contain attacks.

Old IE support ends; BlueScope's espionage worries; BoM's outage woes

19 January, 2016 by Andrew Collins

Support ends for older versions of Internet Explorer; Bluescope's internal espionage case; and the Bureau of Met suffers a meltdown.

Cybercriminals to change how they operate in 2016

14 December, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Bitdefender is predicting significant changes to the business of cybercrime in 2016, with APTs focusing more on obfuscation than persistence and malicious adware becoming more popular.

'Cybersecurity tick' scheme for SMEs

11 December, 2015

New Zealand businesses with good cybersecurity practices could receive a 'cybersecurity tick' under a proposed scheme to encourage SME action against cyber attacks.

Telstra is launch customer for Wynyard's cyber solution

18 November, 2015

Telstra has inked a NZ$3.2 million deal with Wynyard Group to use its new Advanced Cyber Threat Analytics solution to seek out cyberthreats inside its networks.

Britain to track every website users visit

06 November, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Britain has announced plans for widespread new surveillance powers including a requirement for local ISPs to store the records of all websites a user navigates to.

The M-Trends report 2015: cutting-edge cybersecurity research

23 October, 2015

The M-Trends report for 2015 provides unique insight and analysis on how attackers' motives and tactics are changing. From the collation of hundreds of critical security incidents over 30 industries, it is evident that organisations allow attackers to linger far too long in compromised environments.

Consumers face "internet tax" from data retention law

20 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Internet Australia has warned that consumers will be hardest hit by the true costs associated with the new mandatory metadata retention law if the government fails to adequately compensate the industry.

Kmart, David Jones among the latest cyber attack victims

07 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

In a matter of weeks, Kmart and David Jones — as well as Patreon and T-Mobile USA overseas — have fallen victim to cyber attacks, while new threats including a variant of the notorious Carbanak malware have surfaced.

Security roundup: APTs, account abuse and DDoS attacks

02 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

35% of Australian organisations are exposed to APTs; Privileged account abuse one of the main threats to corporate security; Botnet capable of 150 Gbps+ DDoS attacks in the wild

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