Security > Data breaches

Customer privacy can be a business opportunity

14 May, 2014 by Dali Kaafar, Principal Researcher and privacy expert in NICTA's Networks Research Group

Organisations are increasingly hungry for their customers' personal data. However, the need to keep this data private raises a host of limitations and legal considerations.

Privacy policies must be clear and simple: OAIC

07 May, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Australian organisations must better inform customers about how personal data will be handled, and those that voluntarily report data breaches will be given preferential treatment, OAIC commissioners said.

CSIRO warns new cyberthreats will dwarf 'Heartbleed'

05 May, 2014

A report from the CSIRO warns that hackers could steal billions of dollars and disrupt critical infrastructure in the cyberattacks of tomorrow.

Chinese spies had MPs' emails for one year; US judge rules on data sovereignty

29 April, 2014

Chinese spies that accessed Australia's parliamentary computer network in 2011 may have been in there for a whole year. Meanwhile, a US judge has ruled Microsoft must hand over customer data even though that data is stored outside the US.

iBanking malware can spy on Android users

22 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A piece of Android malware uncovered by ESET allows attackers to capture SMS, voice calls and even audio, and a trojan targeting Facebook users appears to be making use of the app.

ACCC apologises for data breach

17 April, 2014 by Andrew Collins

The ACCC has apologised for leaking the email addresses of some subscribers to its information alert services, and has warned potentially affected users to beware of potential scammers capitalising on the breach.

Era of the "mega breach"

09 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Cybercriminals are waiting longer to pull off larger scale data breaches that can expose tens of millions of records, with eight such attacks recorded in 2013, a Symantec threat report states.

Google's transparency report lacking

01 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Google has published its latest figures on authorities' legal requests for user data, including details from Australia, but the report still has no statistics on the type of user data shared.

83% of companies unprepared for a security breach

20 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Although three in four companies have suffered a security incident in the last two years, just 17% are fully prepared for a future breach, a survey suggests.

360 million login credentials found for sale

04 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Hundreds of millions of usernames and passwords are being sold on the black market, and security experts agree that in the wrong hands, stolen passwords can be more damaging than stolen credit card numbers.

Data masking can reduce security breaches

21 February, 2014

Preventing vulnerabilities has become critical and costly with increased data, complexity and optimisation challenges.  Read how data masking can reduce the risk of a breach.   

Govt leaks 10,000 asylum seekers' personal data

20 February, 2014 by Andrew Collins

The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection has leaked the personal details of about 10,000 asylum seekers in detention, potentially endangering lives. Two investigations have been launched into the leak.

Kickstarter hacked, CC info allegedly safe

18 February, 2014 by Andrew Collins

Popular crowd-funding website Kickstarter has been hacked, with attackers accessing the data - including mailing addresses, phone numbers and encrypted passwords - of several of the website's users.

The Australian data privacy index report

13 February, 2014

Data privacy is a key issue for Australian organisations; however, many do not fully understand the importance or the repercussions for failing to protect sensitive information. This report provides a snapshot of how Australian organisations view and treat data privacy.

Cyber threats evolve in 2013

13 February, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Cyber threats including phishing attacks and mobile malware evolved in 2013, placing Australian businesses and consumers at increasing risk of having personal and financial data stolen, according to a new report.

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