
iBanking malware can spy on Android users

22 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A piece of Android malware uncovered by ESET allows attackers to capture SMS, voice calls and even audio, and a trojan targeting Facebook users appears to be making use of the app.

ACCC apologises for data breach

17 April, 2014 by Andrew Collins

The ACCC has apologised for leaking the email addresses of some subscribers to its information alert services, and has warned potentially affected users to beware of potential scammers capitalising on the breach.

Securing Windows XP after support cut off

15 April, 2014 by Andrew Collins

Continuing to use Windows XP after the support cut-off is a risky endeavour. However, it is possible to reduce this risk, and potentially avoid paying Microsoft for expensive custom support.

McAfee launches Heartbleed checker tool

14 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

McAfee has launched an online tool to help consumers check whether the websites they visit are vulnerable to the Heartbleed exploit, to determine whether it is safe to change their passwords.

Usernames, passwords, data exposed in massive OpenSSL Heartbleed bug

10 April, 2014 by Andrew Collins

Security researchers have found a massive vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic library, one that apparently makes it trivial for attackers to steal information normally protected by encryption common used to protect web, email and other internet communications.

Era of the "mega breach"

09 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Cybercriminals are waiting longer to pull off larger scale data breaches that can expose tens of millions of records, with eight such attacks recorded in 2013, a Symantec threat report states.

Australia and NZ ahead of Windows XP upgrade curve

02 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Only 6.5% of PCs in Australia and New Zealand are still running Windows XP, compared to 32% worldwide, but Trend Micro warns that these laggards are posing a "public health risk to the internet".

Google's transparency report lacking

01 April, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Google has published its latest figures on authorities' legal requests for user data, including details from Australia, but the report still has no statistics on the type of user data shared.

Businesses lose data despite backing up

28 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A survey shows Australian consumers and businesses who have lost data were in fact using a backup system at the time of their data loss.

Three security tips for iOS in the enterprise

27 March, 2014 by Andrew Collins

Apple's iOS is the most commonly used mobile OS in enterprises in mature markets, according to analyst firm Gartner. IT managers have a series of decisions to make about managing iOS devices, in order to minimise the risk of data leakage.

Time to upgrade from XP, consultancy warns

27 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Pure Hacking has urged Australian individuals and businesses still using Windows XP to upgrade now, before Microsoft pulls the support plug on the OS next month.

Cybercrims exploit missing flight MH370 concerns

20 March, 2014

Cybercriminals are using the mystery surrounding missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 as a way to infect unsuspecting internet users with malware.

83% of companies unprepared for a security breach

20 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Although three in four companies have suffered a security incident in the last two years, just 17% are fully prepared for a future breach, a survey suggests.

Ads pass explicit content as top mobile threat vector

13 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Malicious mobile ads have passed explicit content as the top content exposing users to mobile threats, but explicit content remains the most potent threat, according to Blue Coat Systems.

Aussie firms unprepared for Privacy Act changes

05 March, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

New changes to Australia's Privacy Act which come into effect this month could catch up to three in five Australian organisations unprepared, and leave them liable to penalties.

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