
Security round-up: Symantec to sell Veritas

12 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Symantec has announced a US$8bn deal to sell its Veritas unit, while Oracle and the UK's Export Control Organisation have come under fire from the security community.

Aussie businesses still using pirated software

05 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

BSA | The Software Alliance has settled seven cases involving use of pirated software by Australian businesses this year so far, raking in a total of $147,000.

Nearly all Android phones, smartwatches at risk of attack

05 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Researchers have discovered a serious vulnerability that could affect up to 95% of Android devices in use, while HP Fortify has tested 10 smartwatches and found them all to have vulnerabilities of their own.

Cisco calls on govt to make Aust the safest place online

04 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Cisco has prepared a detailed response to the Australian Government Cyber Security Review, suggesting wide-ranging reforms including ensuring that the new ACSC has a greater influence on the states.

Aussie security pros support legal sanctions for data loss

04 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Nearly all Australian security professionals believe that there should be legal penalties for companies inadequately safeguarding customer data, a survey shows, with some even supporting jailing the CEO.

Identity theft — are you a prime target?

30 July, 2015 by Matt Miller, Director, ANZ, F5 Networks | Supplied by: F5 Networks Inc

Businesses must realise that the cost of data breach-led identify theft far exceeds the expenses required for complete security protection, said Matt Miller, Director, ANZ, F5 Networks.

Threat to Australia's critical systems growing: ACSC

29 July, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The first public report from the new Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) shows that security incidents involving critical local systems and infrastructure are on the rise.

Australian telco industry objects to security Bill

29 July, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A coalition of ICT industry groups has welcomed the government's decision to closely consider the industry's concerns with a draft Bill designed to better secure Australia's telecom infrastructure.

Labor rethinks support for data retention Bill

27 July, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Critics of the government's mandatory metadata retention Bill, including Internet Australia and Electronic Frontiers Australia, have welcomed a Labor party decision to review the Act.

User details leaked in adultery site hack; Toshiba CEO quits over $1.7bn scandal; PayPal splits from eBay

23 July, 2015 by Andrew Collins

Adultery website Ashley Madison hacked, putting millions of users at risk; Toshiba's CEO quits over $1.7bn accounting scandal; and PayPal separates from eBay and lists on the Nasdaq.

Calls to kill Flash as third zero-day exploit found

16 July, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Trend Micro researchers have discovered a third zero-day vulnerability in Flash from the trove of leaked Hacking Team data amid calls from security exploits to kill off the widely used software.

Aussies lose $45 million to scams in 2015

15 July, 2015 | Supplied by: Australian Competition & Consumer Commission

The new website 'Scamwatch' has been launched by the ACCC to help the public prevent financial loss by scammers, with thousands of complaints having already been filed to the consumer watchdog so far this year.

1 in 5 Aussie businesses use obsolete server software

14 July, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

As Windows Server 2003 reaches its end of extended life, research from Telsyte shows that 20% of Australian businesses are still running the antiquated software or an even older version.

Thwarting a new breed of cyberattack

13 July, 2015 by Shane Bellos, General Manager, Enterprise Security Products, HP Software, HP South Pacific | Supplied by: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Cybercrime can lead to financial loss, reputational damage and physical harm. The ICT industry needs to tackle the problem head-on, through real-time monitoring and information sharing.

Attackers weaponising Hacking Team Flash exploit

10 July, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling | Supplied by: Trend Micro Australia Pty Ltd

Popular exploit kits are already being updated to include the zero-day Flash exploit discovered in a trove of leaked data from Hacking Team in Italy, Trend Micro researchers have discovered.

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