Start cloud-preparation by looking at the network
04 June, 2009 by Shamus McGillicuddyThe first step in the adoption of cloud-computing should be an analysis and reconfiguration of your LAN and WAN.
Cloud-based storage
16 April, 2009Atmos, a cloud computing-based infrastructure offering, is now available.
Private clouds vs. virtual servers
25 March, 2009 by Christina TorodeAnalyst Mark Bowker explains what a private cloud is, and what makes it different from the garden variety virtual server.
Support issues continue to slow virtualisation deployments
16 February, 2009 by Jo MaitlandAt IDC's Virtualization Forum, users reported that support issues have slowed down their deployments.
Users have a lot to learn about virtualisation and the cloud
11 February, 2009 by Simon SharwoodAccording to Melbourne IT, which recently undertook a cloud-computing beta, users need more education on cloud and virtual technologies.
The data centre need not fear the cloud
12 January, 2009 by Chuck GoolsbeeCompliance issues mean that cloud computing will not solve every problem the data centre industry faces, according to one writer.