VR-based classroom learning for speech therapy training
30 April, 2024Start Beyond and the University of Newcastle have entered a partnership that will see VR-based learning used for speech therapy training.
Recycled rubbish turned into plastic rulers for students
30 April, 2024Students in the Willoughby local government area have had their recycled rubbish turned into plastic rulers, as they learn about the circular economy.
Could LEGO robotics improve school attendance rates?
19 February, 2024Autistic teenagers currently have a school absenteeism rate three times higher than that of their neurotypical peers.
VR motion simulator to enhance educational experiences
06 February, 2024A 360° rotating VR motion simulator for use with training, education and research has been unveiled by RMIT University.
Calm your farm: gamifying safety for teens
30 November, 2023An online educational game has been developed by several universities to increase knowledge and awareness about farm safety.
Why digital games are a game changer for learning
29 November, 2023Educators who are able to reimagine traditional learning practices and tune into the interests of their students can foster greater engagement.
Simulation game teaches students about fire danger
22 November, 2023The challenges posed by fire in desert country are highlighted in a new simulation game designed for students, Indigenous rangers and landowners.
STEM Equity Monitor shows increasing gender parity
24 July, 2023The number of students enrolling in STEM subjects in their final year of school has almost reached gender parity.
Farm safety competition launches in Qld schools
26 April, 2023Entries for the annual farm safety calendar drawing competition have opened in primary schools, hosted by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Boosting equity and diversity in STEM
19 April, 2023The five-year, multimillion-dollar STEM Together program has launched for students in Years 5–10.
Students take part in plant science comp
05 April, 2023Bees are the focus of a Queensland school plant science competition, with entries closing in June this year.
Indigenous STEM students to become NASA interns
22 March, 2023Indigenous STEM students Australia-wide now have the opportunity to become interns at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
How gamification is helping kids get into trades
10 March, 2023Secondary school students are being encouraged to explore a career in the trades through the use of welding simulators.
Digital hub educates young netballers on nutrition
08 March, 2023A digital Engagement Hub with interactive gaming-style experiences has been created to help educate young netballers on the role of nutrition in sport.
'Tech overdose' kills student sleep
07 March, 2023Teenagers who are regular night owls are more likely to miss out on proper sleep due to their technology use, according to new UniSA research.