Australian Science Olympiad team chosen

11 November, 2021

An International Junior Science Olympiad team has been selected in Australia for the first time.

Upskilling teachers in digital tech education

09 November, 2021

A four-year program designed to support the teaching of the subject Digital Technologies has been independently recognised.

No more Zoom orientation for kindy students

08 November, 2021

One fully vaccinated parent will now be able join their pre-schooler for kindy orientation, following further easing of COVID restrictions.

COVID stressors faced by year 12 students

05 November, 2021

A Monash University study has delved into the experiences of year 12 students during 2020.

Ed Live videos available on demand

05 November, 2021

A series of videos developed to support learning from home during COVID lockdowns has been provided on demand by the NSW Government.

Connecting every school to the internet

03 November, 2021

One million schools around the world have been mapped as part of a partnership with Ericsson and UNICEF.

Bringing 3D printing to classrooms

02 November, 2021

A 3D printing reseller partnership has been announced between Ultimaker and FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia.

Should parents be paid for lockdown homeschooling?

02 November, 2021

Families who conducted homeschooling during lockdown should be provided with financial support, according to an expert from the Australian National University.

Air quality program rollout continues in schools

02 November, 2021

Thousands of classrooms will benefit from fresh air ventilation systems, as part of the NSW Government's $100 million investment.

How children's brains retain language

29 October, 2021

Researchers have been studying how specific brain regions activate as toddlers remember new words while sleeping.

Transitioning back to in-class learning

28 October, 2021

With NSW and Victoria emerging from lockdown, the Student Wellbeing Hub has updated its COVID-19 wellbeing resource page.

Securing meaningful online data rights for children

26 October, 2021

Reset Australia has warned that a proposed children's data protection code should not be written by industry.

Students learn science from local Indigenous people

25 October, 2021

A new science initiative in 20 schools will connect the Western Australian Curriculum to Aboriginal knowledge.

Celebrating a bright future for teaching

22 October, 2021

The #BrightFuture campaign has been launched by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.

Air quality insurance program for NSW schools

21 October, 2021

The NSW Government is providing $100 million to ensure that safe ventilation systems are in place for students returning to classroom learning.

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