Oracle helps Tasmania manage COVID-19 vaccine rollout
04 June, 2021The Tasmanian Government has set up a digital platform, powered by the Oracle Health Management System, to facilitate the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Organisations struggling to deliver on data strategy
19 April, 2021 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingNew research from MIT Technology Review and Databricks suggests that only 13% of organisations are truly succeeding at delivering on their data strategies.
Blockchain job postings triple as interest grows
19 June, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingWith a wide variety of industries now evaluating adopting blockchain distributed ledger technology, ISACA has published new guidance for companies considering taking the plunge.
HelloFresh meal delivery improved by MapR platform
20 October, 2016The MapR platform enables HelloFresh to leverage weekly subscriber touchpoints, consistently manage supply chains and demand, and optimise customer experience as well as business operations.
Aussie pharmacies process billionth e-script
05 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe eRx Script Exchange has now processed more than 1 billion medical prescriptions electronically and is in use by nearly 20,000 Australian GPs.
MyHealth records surpass 2.2 million
04 June, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingSome 2.2 million Australians have signed up for a Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) - now renamed a MyHealth record - and around 10,000 new people are applying per week.
How to stop a data lake turning into a data swamp
10 November, 2014 by TeradataOrganisations are beginning to understand the benefits of data lakes, but careful implementation of an effective metadata layer is needed to prevent those lakes from turning into swamps.
La Trobe taps SAP to support strategic plan
30 October, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingLa Trobe University is deploying SAP's Simple Finance and Lifecycle Management suites as part of a five-year strategic transformation plan.
Data centre consolidation saving US govt $3.8bn
01 October, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingA project to cut down on the data centres used by US government departments is on track to generate about $3.8 billion in savings (US$3.3 billion) by end-FY15, but some agencies are not seeing benefits, a report finds.
ADF launches eHealth Information System
23 September, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe ADF has launched - and is rolling out nationwide - an integrated e-health system that will provide all ADF members with a single record throughout their careers.
PCEHR under review, but is it “unfixable”?
07 November, 2013 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe government has launched a review into the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) project, claiming poor take-up rates to date among Australian clinicians.
Three risks of poor software licence management
31 October, 2013 by Susan Lang*With an increasing number of devices being used across the enterprise and the eagerness with which many individuals, departments and branches tend to pursue their own software purchasing plans, is it any wonder that few organisations are able to easily identify their true software licensing costs?
Knowledge management projects should focus on the practical
25 July, 2013Organisations need to rethink their approach to knowledge management, putting greater emphasis on practical knowledge that can deliver measurable results, one recent report says.
Mapping childhood obesity factors in Australia
05 March, 2013 by Andrew CollinsCouncils in South Australia will soon have access to information to help reduce childhood obesity, thanks to a geographic information system (GIS) project at South Australia’s Department for Health and Ageing.
PowerCenter Big Data Edition data analytics
30 October, 2012Informatica PowerCenter Big Data Edition helps enterprises augment traditional transactional data with social, mobile, cloud and machine data.