IT Management

24 things threatening your network right now

13 August, 2014 by Christina Goggi, Web Content Specialist, GFI Software | Supplied by: GFI Software Limited

All it takes is a little bit of short-sightedness, bad luck and poor timing to cook up disaster. So how many network threats and weaknesses would you find in a security audit?

Global smart city challenge launched in the US

06 August, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

US government body NIST has kicked off a year-long challenge aimed at helping global communities develop smart city technologies and processes.

Does your desktop have a desktop?

06 August, 2014 by Jonathan Nally

Analysts have been predicting the death of the desktop PC for many years, but what do IT managers on the frontline think? Will tablets take over, or is there still a place for the beige box?

Microsoft sues Samsung over patent royalties

05 August, 2014 by Andrew Collins

Microsoft has sued Samsung Electronics, claiming the South Korean electronics manufacturer has been dodging its obligations under a patent agreement between the two companies.

War on online pirates will affect all users

04 August, 2014

The federal government's Online Copyright Infringement discussion paper puts forward solutions that are likely to pass costs on to all internet users without dramatically reducing rates of piracy, says Consumer advocacy group CHOICE.

Role of IT shifting to service delivery

31 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Technologies such as email once drove a dramatic improvement in business efficiency, but are too slow for the modern era. IT professionals agree that service automation could provide the next leap forward.

City of Newcastle taps TechnoloyOne to unify IT

30 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Newcastle's city council will replace its disparate IT systems with OneCouncil, a single enterprise solution from TechnologyOne.

Loud&Clear partners with Swinburne R&D lab

30 July, 2014

Digital creative agency Loud&Clear has made a formal partnership with the Swinburne University of Technology R&D department, following the launch of the university's new software innovation lab.

Getting started with big data

29 July, 2014 by Andrew Collins

Organisations delving into big data often run into two difficulties: not knowing where to start, and not knowing how to justify a big data investment.

IFS to provide ERP system for Mid West Ports

23 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Mid West Ports Authority will use IFS Applications as an ERP system as it seeks to drive operational efficiency and cope with significant volume growth at the port of Geraldton.

1 in 3 Aust businesses are not yet digital enterprises

23 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A survey of Australian businesses shows that 1 in 3 do not consider themselves to be digital enterprises, and only a third have a dedicated chief digital officer.

Microsoft to chop 18,000 jobs

22 July, 2014 | Supplied by: Microsoft Pty Ltd

Microsoft will reduce its total headcount by up to 18,000, CEO Satya Nadella announced last week, with both job cuts and new positions contributing to the revised headcount.

NICTA, Swinburne Uni open software R&D lab

22 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The newly launched NICTA Swinburne Software Innovation Lab will focus on developing software with the potential to benefit a diverse range of industries.

Disrupting access to illegal online services

18 July, 2014

A new federal government inquiry will examine how the Telecommunications Act 1997 can be used by government agencies to disrupt access to illegal online services.

KPMG and Imperial College London form £20 million partnership

17 July, 2014 | Supplied by: KPMG Australia

KPMG to invest over £20m to partner with Imperial College London on a new KPMG Centre for Advanced Business Analytics, with the aim of putting the UK at the forefront of data science.

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