IT Management

Steve Jobs’ exit from Apple won’t have immediate effect

26 August, 2011

Although much hoopla has surrounded Steve Jobs’ resignation as CEO of Apple, his exit is unlikely to have an immediate effect on the company, according to one analyst firm.

Eftel acquires telco wholesaler Platform Networks

23 August, 2011

Eftel will acquire wholesale telecommunications service provider Platform Networks under a new agreement announced today.

Motorola purchase allows Google to challenge Apple

19 August, 2011

Google’s move to buy mobile manufacturer, Motorola, will put Google in good stead to challenge Apple more directly, according to analyst firm Ovum.

HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) suite

16 August, 2011

HP has announced its Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) suite, comprising software solutions that improve collaboration among application delivery teams, enabling organisations to accelerate business innovation and lower operational costs.

Dataweave OnlineDBA remote database monitoring service

16 August, 2011

Dataweave OnlineDBA is a flexible, 24/7 remote database monitoring service for critical business databases. Suitable for businesses of any size, it gives IT teams access to Dataweave’s expert certified DBAs, at typically less than half the cost of hiring an in-house DBA.

MicroStrategy Cloud business intelligence cloud service

15 August, 2011

MicroStrategy Cloud is a cloud-based platform-as-a-service.

New federal customer service instrument targets tardy telcos

10 August, 2011

Australian telcos may have to lift their levels of customer service, following the federal government’s announcement of an instrument to enforce the Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) standard, in order to better protect telecommunications users.

Conroy calls for comment on Digital Hubs, Digital Enterprise draft guidelines

08 August, 2011

The Australian federal government has called for public comments on draft program guidelines for the Digital Hubs and Digital Enterprise programs. The programs are intended to provide guidance on making the most of the National Broadband Network (NBN).

Big data? Big database technologies

05 August, 2011 by Guy Harrison*

As organisations continue to horde massive volumes of data for analysis - producing so-called ‘big data’ - database management technology must evolve to keep up with the challenge. Guy Harrison, head honcho of R&D at Quest Software, explains the technologies that can help cope with these massive data volumes.

NBN goes live in Melbourne

04 August, 2011

The Melbourne suburb of Brunswick became the first metropolitan area in Australia to feature National Broadband Network (NBN) coverage today, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard activated the network in the area.

Details emerge on Telecom NZ structural separation

26 July, 2011

Telecom New Zealand has released specifics of its proposed structural separation, which would allow its infrastructure business, Chorus, to participate in the country’s Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) initiative.

Mining consultancy suite on business software

15 July, 2011

KRC Mining Consultants has implemented a suite of Oracle software spanning enterprise resource planning, human resources, financials, document management and project management.

Laptop’s rugged charm wins over Barwon Water

14 July, 2011

Victoria’s largest regional urban water corporation, Barwon Region Water Corporation, has deployed 45 rugged laptops across its maintenance vehicles.

Refined Convergence Review document highlights deregulation

07 July, 2011

The Convergence Review Committee has released a refined version of its framing paper - calling the new document an ‘emerging issues paper’ - following a period of public consultation on the initial paper.

Interactive Intelligence absorbs reseller CallTime Solutions

06 July, 2011

Unified communications vendor Interactive Intelligence has acquired CallTime Solutions, an Australian reseller of the vendor’s software.

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