
Australia, China reach detente over cyber IP theft

26 April, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The Australian and Chinese governments have mutually agreed not to conduct or support cyber theft of IP and trade secrets from the other country's companies as part of a new security agreement.

Cybersecurity plan launched by ACSGN

26 April, 2017

Australia's cybersecurity capabilities will be increased after the launch of a new industry-led strategy.

Australian Cyber Security Centre approved

24 April, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The government has received parliamentary approval to begin work on the new Australian Cyber Security Centre, which will bring together security experts from intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

Cybersecurity training platform created by ISACA

21 April, 2017

A real-time cybersecurity training platform and assessment tool has been launched by ISACA.

Urgent action needed to prepare for data breach law

19 April, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Organisations of all sizes handling sensitive data need to be taking action now to prepare for the introduction of the new mandatory data breach notification regime in February next year.

It's time to be responsible with data

18 April, 2017 by Joshua Kennedy-White | Supplied by: Accenture

In response to societal concerns about the security of data, organisations need to embrace the emerging doctrine of 'corporate digital responsibility'.

Data retention law kicks in

13 April, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Australia's mandatory metadata retention scheme gets going, but a number of ISPs may not be able to comply with the new requirements.

1.4bn records compromised in data breaches

10 April, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The number of reported data breaches grew 86% to 1792 during 2016 — which includes 44 breaches in Australia, Gemalto's latest Breach Level Index indicates.

Melbourne welcomes Israeli CyberGym

06 April, 2017

Israeli-based company CyberGym will be relocating its global headquarters to Melbourne.

Compromised records on the rise, IBM discovers

03 April, 2017

The number of compromised records increased from 600 million to more than 4 billion during 2016, according to IBM Security.

US government votes to allow ISPs to sell user data

03 April, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The Republican-controlled US government has voted to overturn privacy rules that would have required ISPs to get users' explicit consent to sell their data, including web browsing history, to third-party companies.

ANZ Bank uses voice biometrics for mobile security

03 April, 2017

Voice biometrics will be introduced by the ANZ Bank to help improve security on mobile devices.

Australians are ready for e-voting: Australia Post

03 April, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A report from Australia Post indicates that nearly three-quarters of Australians expect to be able to vote online in the 2019 election, and suggests that the organisation could help the government run a secure e-voting system.

Super industry under attack from cybercrooks

31 March, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The $2.2 trillion Australian super industry is increasingly coming under attack from cybercriminals, and there is little chance for victims to recover their hard-earned funds.

BSA flags cybercrime risk after record settlement

29 March, 2017

Businesses across Australia are urged to be vigilant about cybercrime risks, after BSA | The Software Alliance (BSA) finished 2016 with $589,000 in damages for the use of unlicensed software.

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