
The year ahead: security predictions for 2017

14 December, 2016 by Dan Slattery, Senior Information Security Analyst, Webroot | Supplied by: Webroot Pty Ltd

As we approach 2017, now is the time to start rethinking your cyber protection, says Webroot's Dan Slattery.

The inside threat to your security

14 December, 2016 by Guy Eilon, Senior Director & General Manager, Forcepoint ANZ | Supplied by: Forcepoint

Employees are your most valuable asset… but they can also be your biggest security risk.

Security spending does not equal maturity: Gartner

12 December, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Organisations spend an average of 5.6% of their IT budgets on security, but often falsely conflate spending with security maturity and do not have a true understanding of their security spending.

When criminals hijack your brand for phishing

08 December, 2016 by James Turner, Advisor, IBRS | Supplied by: IBRS

Phishing is not an IT problem — it is an age-old confidence trick brought into the age of the internet, and your business needs to be ready for it.

Trump urged to boost security in first 100 days

05 December, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology is calling on the nation's next president to take urgent action to improve public-private collaboration before, during and after cyber attacks.

Android malware infects over one million Google accounts

01 December, 2016

New Android malware called Gooligan is infecting 13,000 vulnerable devices every day.

Digital currency protected by new industry code

01 December, 2016

The first Australian Digital Currency Industry Code of Conduct has been launched by the Australian Digital Currency and Commerce Association (ADCCA).

Failed malware attack disrupts internet services in Germany

29 November, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A failed malware attack on a specific brand of routers, potentially linked with the Mirai IoT botnet, caused significant broadband outage for around 900,000 customers of Deutsche Telekom.

Consumers warned against risky Christmas gift purchases

28 November, 2016

One in eight consumers would accept discounts and special offers from retailers in exchange for their passwords, the Centrify 2016 Online Shopping Survey has found.

2017 to be tipping point for cybersecurity

23 November, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The emergence of more targeted, autonomous and stealthy cyberthreats and the continuing security skills shortage will ensure 2017 is a tipping point for the security sector, Fortinet predicts.

Tech security key to a merry Christmas, says Intel Security

22 November, 2016

Fewer than half of all Australians take appropriate security measures to protect their gadgets, according to a new survey.

Streaming services lead to decline in piracy

21 November, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Strong growth in adoption of paid streaming services such as Netflix has contributed to a three percentage point decline in online piracy rates among Australian consumers, research suggests.

Government measures implemented to prevent identity fraud

17 November, 2016

A report about the economic and social impacts of identity crime has been released by the federal government.

Cybersecurity partnership formed in Victoria

17 November, 2016

Victoria's Oceania Cyber Security Centre (OCSC) and Israel's Tel Aviv University (TAU) have signed two memorandums of understanding related to cybersecurity.

Australia's Face Verification Service launches

17 November, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The new biometric Face Verification Service will be used to combat identity theft, help solve major crimes and help agencies check individual identities against citizenship images and driver's licence photos.

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