
Adobe's US$1m fine for data breach

17 November, 2016

Adobe must pay a fine of US$1 million following a 2013 data breach that put 500,000-plus consumers’ card numbers and other information at risk.

Cybersecurity job candidates underqualified, professionals say

11 November, 2016 by Amy Steed

The ISACA Cybersecurity Jobs Index reveals a significant increase among cybersecurity professionals who report job candidates not being sufficiently qualified at time of hire.

Consumers call out 'creepy' company data use

08 November, 2016

A recent KPMG survey indicates that many consumers are uncomfortable with the way in which organisations use their personal data.

Webjet adopts blockchain to improve bookings

08 November, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Webjet is working with Microsoft to trial using blockchain's distributed transactional database technology to reduce errors and improve security in the travel booking industry.

GM Bank Trojan targets Australian banks

02 November, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A popular Android Trojan is capable of spoofing the login pages of more than 50 banks, including several from Australia, research from Avast has shown.

550,000 client details exposed

31 October, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The Red Cross Blood Services said human error was at fault for exposing information on 550,000 blood donors in what could have been Australia's largest leak of personal data to date.

Trend Micro Incorporated XGen endpoint security

31 October, 2016 | Supplied by: Trend Micro Australia Pty Ltd

The Trend Micro Incorporated XGen endpoint security identifies benign data and known threats. It has application control, exploit prevention, behavioural analysis and machine learning to accurately identify unknown threats.

AtomBombing exploits design flaw in Windows

31 October, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

EnSilo security researchers have uncovered a new code injection method that exploits a vulnerability endemic to the design of Windows and is present in all versions of the operating system.

Reset router could have saved Census

26 October, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

If IBM had manually switched a router off and on while testing the Census system, the 9 August outage could have been prevented, the Senate inquiry into Census night has heard.

Next US president needs a security plan

24 October, 2016 by Jonathan Nally

The next US president should place a priority on strengthening the nation's cybersecurity resources, said the security and business technology association ISACA.

Obama to establish new privacy office

21 October, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The Obama administration has announced plans to establish a new privacy office dedicated to making privacy a comprehensive, strategic and continuous function of government in the US.

Employee behaviour putting company data at risk

21 October, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

More than half of Australian respondents to a Gemalto survey use personal devices to access work emails, and almost as many have installed apps on work devices without the knowledge of IT.

Vic CPDP warns against online profiling

18 October, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Victorian public sector organisations should be wary of the risks involved with using social media to search for information on potential new hires, according to the state's privacy commissioner.

Arbor Networks, Jigsaw expand Digital Attack Map

17 October, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Arbor Networks' Sydney development team has helped implement upgrades to the Digital Attack Map, a real-time map of DDoS attacks developed by Arbor and Alphabet's Jigsaw incubator.

Kingston IronKey D300 managed encrypted USB flash drive

13 October, 2016 | Supplied by: Avnet Electronics Marketing

The Kingston IronKey D300 managed encrypted USB flash drive deploys an advanced level of encryption.

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