Digital hub educates young netballers on nutrition

08 March, 2023

A digital Engagement Hub with interactive gaming-style experiences has been created to help educate young netballers on the role of nutrition in sport.

"Attack" on qualifications damages teaching profession

07 March, 2023

Investigations into the feasibility of a one-year education Master's degree is an attack on teaching qualifications, according to the AEU.

'Tech overdose' kills student sleep

07 March, 2023

Teenagers who are regular night owls are more likely to miss out on proper sleep due to their technology use, according to new UniSA research.

Student wellbeing "hits new low", data shows

03 March, 2023

The classroom crisis in NSW has been underscored by Department of Education data, according to the NSW Teachers Federation.

Infants outperforming AI

01 March, 2023

A new study shows that babies are better than artificial intelligence at detecting the motivation behind other people's actions.

Teaching students healthy food habits

01 March, 2023

One in four children aged 4–15 years old is overweight in Australia, according to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data.

Student learning library has online resources for parents

28 February, 2023

A free online student learning library has been established by the NSW Government, allowing parents to view what their child is studying.

Rethinking religious education in public schools

28 February, 2023

There needs to be an overhaul of religious education programs in public schools, according to a Monash University expert.

How robots could benefit the education system

24 February, 2023

Researchers have found that a robot can successfully keep children with learning disabilities focused on their work.

Students pitch NASA through Powerhouse program

22 February, 2023

Western Sydney high school students were recently given the opportunity to collaborate with NASA on a space mission.

More power for school principals

22 February, 2023

Principals at public schools would receive more autonomy over hiring teachers under a NSW Government election promise.

Consent education learning platform launched

21 February, 2023

An online consent education learning platform has been launched for Year 8 students by Kids First Australia.

Bright Future STEM program visits Queensland schools

21 February, 2023

Various resource and energy sector employers will visit more than 1100 Queensland students to inspire STEM careers.

Partnership aims to end disadvantage in education

16 February, 2023

Teach for Australia and Rokt have partnered up to support graduates to teach in understaffed schools.

Online learning not as effective: study

15 February, 2023

Although online learning does not impact grades when compared to face-to-face methods, research suggests that the learning process is not as effective.

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