White Papers/Resources

The Technology Decisions Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.

Seven ways to deliver a superior customer experience now

Supplied by Information Builders on 30 August, 2013

The pitfalls of poor customer service go beyond the financial impact. In the age of social media, organisations have their reputations to consider.

Implementing real-time data quality management

Supplied by Information Builders on 30 August, 2013

The Data Warehouse Institute estimates that bad information costs businesses close to $600 million each year. As a result, companies are embarking on broad-scale data quality management initiatives at a rapid pace.

40G applications and Category 8 standards

Supplied by CommScope on 26 August, 2013

A new task group has been formed to study the concept of adding ISO/IEC Class II limits to the draft Category 8 cabling standard. The group will review existing Class II specifications and submit recommendations.

The formation of the group recognises advances in transmission technology needed for 40G applications. Download this white paper for more information. 

40/100 Gigabit Ethernet: your virtualised data centre platform

Supplied by CommScope on 07 August, 2013

To take full advantage of the possibilities offered by virtualised environments, certain factors must be considered with respect to connecting users and maximising investments in infrastructure.

Effective planning and implementation for 40/100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) can allow organisations to remove potential roadblocks and fully realise the benefits of a virtualised environment for their organisation. 

Build a powerful storage cloud service - without complexity

Supplied by IBM Australia on 01 August, 2013

Many organisations find that their large networked storage deployments are siloed or dedicated to specific applications, making it difficult to dynamically provision, optimise performance or share expensive resources. Transitioning to cloud-based storage provides an attractive solution and many public cloud storage services are readily available. 

Achieve up to 40% reduction in cost per TB

Supplied by IBM Australia Limited on 31 July, 2013

In the supermarket, maximising the sale of more profitable items is a key measure of effectiveness, while optimising the use of shelf space is an important measure of efficiency. Unused shelf space is a lost opportunity. 

Build a data warehouse that people actually use - and trust

Supplied by Informatica Australia on 30 July, 2013

Business users require a holistic view of the enterprise to better understand business performance and uncover opportunities for competitive differentiation. These business requirements reflect the need to make trusted decisions in less time but most of the data they need is fragmented across many applications, which are hard to integrate. Therefore, a data warehouse is built to transform the data into a single system.  

How to choose backup for SMBs eBook

Supplied by Westwick-Farrow Pty Ltd on 24 July, 2013

Today’s computing environment is complex. Data is kept locally on servers, computers, tablets and in the cloud. And, to paraphrase Spiderman, with great flexibility comes great complexity. That complexity means that the way we back up our distributed and virtualised environments has to change from the way we did it just a few years ago. 

Storage success stories – 25 companies, 13 industry verticals

Supplied by IBM Australia Limited on 22 July, 2013

Storage challenges and solutions featuring 25 short case studies across 13 industry verticals, including: finance, utilities, insurance, travel, education, healthcare & telecommunications. 

Secure solutions for connecting data centres

Supplied by Alcatel Lucent on 15 July, 2013

Responding to increasing security threats and regulation, enterprises face a range of challenges in providing a comprehensive IT security program.

Organisations are now shifting to the real-time transfer of data between data centres and implementing on-the-fly data encryption with key management for security.

Virtualisation and cloud computing: optimised power, cooling and management maximises benefits

Supplied by on 10 July, 2013

IT virtualisation, the engine behind cloud computing, can have significant consequences on the data centre physical infrastructure. The particular effects of virtualisation are discussed and possible solutions or methods for dealing with them are offered. 

Data centre physical infrastructure: optimising business value

Supplied by Schneider Electric on 10 July, 2013

To stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business world, companies must update the way they view the value of their investment in data centre physical infrastructure (DCPI). This white paper discusses how companies can succeed in a changing global market. 

Top 10 mistakes in data centre operations: operating efficient and effective data centres

Supplied by Schneider Electric on 10 July, 2013

How can you avoid making major mistakes when operating and maintaining your data centre(s)? The key lies in the methodology behind your operations and maintenance program. This white paper explores the top 10 mistakes in data centre operations. 

The social dimension of business analytics: extracting value from the voice of the customer

Supplied by Information Builders on 10 July, 2013

Employing tools that incorporate social media analytics into broader enterprise business analytics strategies can help marketing professionals enhance the customer experience and improve all facets of marketing operations. This paper shares tips for choosing the right platform for consolidation. 

Simplifying network administration in an Alcatel-Lucent VMware virtual environment

Supplied by Alcatel Lucent on 01 July, 2013

VMware's server virtualisation allows IT organisations to use network computing and storage resources more efficiently. But a virtual infrastructure requires a different set of management tools than those used to manage a physical infrastructure.

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