IT Management

Distraction theory: how AI can help workers stay focused

08 May, 2020 by Keith Buckley* | Supplied by: Citrix Systems Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Employee attention is disrupted every 40 seconds, eroding the ability to maintain focus and be productive. AI could be the solution.

Data61's StellarGraph launches new algorithms for data analysis

07 May, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

The new algorithms help engineers and data scientists connect data points from multiple sources.

AIIA iAwards launches the 'Biggest Pitch' in innovation

07 May, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

Australian innovators will have the chance to compete for cash investment, mentorship and other expert services as part of AIIA's new Biggest Pitch contest.

IT buyer confidence plunges in the US, but APAC is more hopeful

07 May, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

The decline has come in the last two weeks, as businesses adjust to bearish GDP forecasts for Q2.

Professor Jon Whittle appointed as Data61 director

06 May, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

CSIRO Chief Dr Larry Marshall says he is excited about what Data61 could achieve under Whittle's tenure.

AGD releases draft COVIDSafe privacy laws

06 May, 2020 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The Attorney-General's department has released draft legislation that would make it a criminal offence to misuse data from the COVIDSafe contact tracing app

CPM-1600-2-M Hybrid Console Manager and Remote Network Power Switch

01 May, 2020 | Supplied by: Interworld Electronics and Computer Industries

The CPM-1600-2-M provides secure remote access to RS232 console ports as well as the ability to power cycle remote IT equipment.

Canberra's controversial COVID app goes live

27 April, 2020 by Jonathan Nally

The federal government's COVIDSafe tracing app has gone live, with more than one million instances already downloaded by Monday morning.

NEC joins NSW's new tech precinct project

27 April, 2020 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

NEC Australia will establish an office in the NSW Government's planned new technology precinct as part of a wider collaboration agreement.

COVID-19 to impact IT and business services revenue, says IDC

24 April, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

An IDC report forecasts a 1.1% drop in revenue for the worldwide services market in 2020.

Global PC market drops 9.8% amid COVID-19 supply outages

24 April, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

Factory closures, manufacturing delays and logistical setbacks in China are to blame for the drop.

Dell launches $14bn COVID-19 payment flexibility program

24 April, 2020 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Dell will offer customers zero-interest financing for purchases of the company's server, storage and networking solutions in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

ADA disappointed with move to mandatory code for news snippets

21 April, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

A proposed code designed to protect media firms in an oligopolistic market may do more harm than good, says the Australian Digital Alliance.

Security outsourcing to grow, says IDC

20 April, 2020

Outsourced security management is set to grow in the A/NZ market, taking share from in-house and hybrid security models, according to an IDC report.

Five remote work lessons learned from Asia

15 April, 2020 by Jackie Wiles | Supplied by: Gartner Australasia Pty Ltd

Organisations in Asia, after months of managing the impact of coronavirus, offer lessons on remote work success and keeping employees engaged.

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