IT Management

Thriving on diversity

01 March, 2010 by Merri Mack

Voice&Data found that nib health fund’s Chief Operating and Technology Officer, Melanie Kneale, thrives on the diversity of her role which covers human resources as well as technology. The dual roles are a good combination as Kneale has the ability to get things done because the key levers of HR and IT fall into the same area of operations and everything related to execution reports to her so the goals are aligned.

Challenging the status quo for data centres

01 March, 2010 by Merri Mack

Voice&Data interviewed Greg Boorer, Founder and Managing Director of the state-of-the art data centre Canberra Data Centres, and found out that he is a passionate advocate of running a smart, green data centre for the benefit of his clients.

Hyundai’s printing system makes eco-sense

25 February, 2010

Throughout its 20 years in the Australian automotive market, Hyundai has continued to evolve itself and its market offering to reflect the company name, a Korean translation for ‘modern era’. It is a company that reflects the spirit of innovation fostered and celebrated since its inception.

Download speeds not up to scratch

25 February, 2010

Broadband providers deliver less than half of quoted download speeds.

IBM Power7 systems

24 February, 2010

The IBM Power7 systems are designed to manage demanding emerging applications, from smart electrical grids to real-time analytics for financial markets, and have increased capabilities in virtualisation, energy savings and cost-efficient use of memory.

GlobalConnect Managed Services

23 February, 2010

GlobalConnect Managed Services make it easier for companies to adapt to changing business conditions while managing a predictable IT budget and accessing expert knowledge and processes.

Pressures on the knowledge worker in 2010

18 February, 2010

A global research project has painted a lukewarm picture of GFC workplace recovery and revealed new pressures on the knowledge worker in 2010.

Lion Nathan optimises operations

15 February, 2010

In an ongoing project to streamline Lion Nathan’s logistics processes, the company has gone live with Infor SCM Advanced Planning Optimisation across the seven breweries in Australia, enabling them to greatly reduce the complexity of their logistics and brewery planning operations. In addition, Lion Nathan has deployed Infor SCM Advanced Scheduler in the six main Australian breweries to provide an integrated, advanced, uniform scheduling process.

QoS may be the answer for mobile operators

09 February, 2010

Telsyte’s latest research into the Australian mobile market finds that while mobile broadband and smartphones have been a big boon to Australia’s mobile operators searching for growth, the decoupling of cost and revenue is forcing them to look for ways to ensure their profitability does not suffer as they continue to drive growth with non-voice services.

Inefficient document production costs councils millions

09 February, 2010

According to research from Objective Corporation - a provider of content, collaboration and process management solutions - councils could save half a billion dollars if they could be more efficient with document mangement.

At the forefront of change

08 February, 2010 by Merri Mack

As the Director of the South Australian (SA) Government ICT Service Delivery Group reporting to the SA Government CIO, Stephen Schmid firmly believes the economic challenges that we all are facing the world over need to be met with innovative solutions - interoperable, open solutions that can be shared between governments, industry, and with the education and community sectors. Merri Mack spoke to Schmid to find out how passionate he is about bringing his beliefs to fruition and what he enjoys about his current role.

Software AG webMethods 8 business integration software

05 February, 2010

Software AG has announced webMethods 8, the webMethods platform that offers functionality across Enterprise Integration, B2B, Business Process Management, BAM, and SOA Governance (CentraSite).

LANDesk Asset Lifecycle Manager 4.0

05 February, 2010

LANDesk Software has announced LANDesk Asset Lifecycle Manager 4.0 for software asset management, data centre readiness and increased integration and control so users can more easily discover, track and manage software licences.

F5 Networks BIG-IP v10.1 geolocation services database

05 February, 2010

F5 Networks’ BIG-IP v10.1 includes the claimed first geolocation services database that identifies the physical location of a user by monitoring additional contextual information for BIG-IP products.

Why green is green

02 February, 2010 by Andrew Goodlace*

The business benefits of eco products can rival the environmental advantages. Here’s why - and what it means to product design teams.

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