IT Management > Human resources

Australian IT professionals in high demand

19 July, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The Australian IT sector is grappling with a worsening skills shortage as digital transformation efforts including cloud migrations leave qualified professionals in short supply, research suggests.

Former UXC CIO/CTO joins KPMG Australia

19 July, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

KPMG Australia has selected Craig Wishart to take over from Anthony Stevens as CIO, while Stevens takes the newly created role of chief digital officer.

Apple is world's most attractive employer

06 July, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

An analysis of LinkedIn data shows that Apple is the top company in the world for attracting and keeping top talent, while KPMG is the top employer in Australia.

Most Australians would like to work remotely

02 June, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The majority of Australian respondents to a Randstad survey would like to work remotely at least occasionally, and prefer flexible hours to the 9–5 working week.

CIOs feel hindered by tech skills shortage

24 May, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Some 65% of CIOs feel hindered by the largest tech skills shortage since the global financial crisis and feel that a lack of talent will leave their organisations unable to keep up with the pace of change.

Data61 and AICD to boost boards' digital literacy

27 April, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The CSIRO's digital innovation arm, Data61, and the Australian Institute of Company Directors will collaborate to improve the digital and cyber literacy of directors and boards nationwide.

Race relations at Facebook; Nissan car hacked by remote control; IBM to buy Resilient

03 March, 2016 by Andrew Collins

Mark Zuckerberg tackles anti-black sentiment at Facebook, Aussie demonstrates Nissan LEAF compromise, and IBM aims to buy security response firm.

Electronics companies failing to protect worker rights

10 February, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Dick Smith was among the five most improved electronics brands in a grading of efforts to ensure their supply chains are free of worker exploitation, but the entire industry needs to do more, a report states.

Labour-saving effects of ICT lessening in Australia

09 February, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The impact of ICT on Australian productivity in terms of human capital appears to have slowed over the past decade, government research shows, but benefits are being felt in other areas.

Yahoo cuts 15% of workers; Google's $2.8m bug bounty; NBN's Migration Assurance Policy

04 February, 2016 by Andrew Collins

Yahoo to close five offices and cut workforce by 15%, Google pays out US$2 million to bug finders, and migration policy for fixed-line NBN services released.

Young Australians underprepared for digital revolution

19 January, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Young Australians are the least confident in their job skills and career prospects in the digital era among respondents to a nine-nation survey conducted by Infosys.

Urban hubs — workplaces of the future

14 December, 2015 by Sue Johnston, IBRS

Organisations that fully harness the potential of providing highly flexible and creative workplaces early will be able to attract and retain the best talent for their workforce.

Only 28% of Australia's ICT workforce are women

01 December, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The ACS has published a series of recommendations for improving female participation in Australia's ICT workforce, which remains at a level significantly lower than the average for all professions.

Facebook boosts parental leave to four months

27 November, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Facebook will offer all new parents on its payroll up to four months of paid parental leave, regardless of the employee's gender or the country in which they live.

Two in three Aussie IT pros expect a pay hike in 2016

24 November, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

After a flat year for IT salaries in Australia, a survey indicates that nearly two in three Australian IT professionals expect a pay bump next year, with 70% looking to change roles.

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